Monday, March 19, 2012

No Internet/Kein Internet

Until a few minutes ago we were without Internet tonight. We had strong thunderstorms. Now it's too late to write a real post. Maybe I can mention that Charlotte has been studying the three different moods in the English language, infinitive, indicative, and conditional. More about this tomorrow. By the way, our college sent around a warning today that there seems to be a stomach bug on campus and what to do to prevent it. That is probably the same one I got.

Bis vor einigen Minuten hatten wir heute abend keinen Internetanschluß, da es den ganzen Abend heftig gewittert hat. Jetzt ist es zu spät, noch etwas Richtiges zu tippen. Vielleicht kann ich nur erwähnen, daß Charlotte sich mit dem Infinitiv, dem Indikativ und dem Konjunktiv im Englischen beschäftigt hat. Übrigens hat das College heute eine Warnung verschickt, daß auf dem Campus wohl eine Magen-Darmgrippe herrscht. Das wird wohl die gleiche sein, wie ich sie hatte.


  1. the warning was a little late . . :( but i gather you are feeling better? enjoy the thunderstorms. i love snowstorms . . thunderstorms . . as long as i'm cozy in my home. hope all of you are healthy now.

  2. That's true, but it didn't help anyway, it basically just told students to wash their hands :)! Yes, I also like thunderstorms (I like wind in general), but not when the power goes out (at least not for long). We are all healthy, so maybe I was the only sick one this time.


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