Sunday, July 11, 2010

Jonathan's Castle Tour Part 1/Jonathans Schloßtour Teil 1

We had a priest from Uganda today in church who told us about his work there and who also asked for donations. It's always interesting to hear about the church in other parts of the world.

Our community garden bed is alive. We spotted the first green beans and tomatoes.

Green beans/Grüne Bohnen


Our wrens are busy collecting twigs for their nest.

The children built an elaborate castle and Jonathan made two videos offering a guided tour in German and English.

Heute war ein Missionar aus Uganda in der Kirche. Er erzählt über seine Arbeit dort und bat uns um Spenden. Es ist immer interessant, etwas über Missionen in anderen Ländern zu erfahren.

Unser Beet im Schrebergarten lebt. Wir haben die ersten grünen Bohnen und Tomaten gesehen.

Unsere Zaunkönige sammeln eifrig Zweige für ihr Nest.

Die Kinder haben ein ausgedehntes Schloß gebaut. Jonathan hat eine Videotour auf Deutsch und Englisch davon gemacht.

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  1. I often think about the rebels in Uganda,and send them light to lay down their arms,and also I light the people there, who have such a hard life. cheers Marie

  2. The priest talked especially about the fate of girls who end up abused and with child.
    We sometimes tend to forget how lucky we are.


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